Twin Earthquakes Shake Ojinaga, Chihuahua with Minimal Impact

According to reporting by Ojinaga Noticias, the municipality of Ojinaga in Chihuahua experienced two earthquakes in quick succession earlier this month, as reported by the National Seismological Service of the Department of Geophysics at the Autonomous University of Mexico. The first tremor, occurring at noon on Saturday, February 10, registered at 3.9 on the Richter scale, followed by a stronger quake of 4 degrees during the early hours of Sunday, February 11.

The epicenters of both quakes were closely located, with a mere 2 kilometers difference between them, southeast of Manuel Ojinaga. The initial earthquake struck at a depth of five kilometers, while the subsequent one was slightly deeper at 6.6 kilometers. Despite their proximity in time and location, the State Coordination of Civil Protection of Chihuahua has confirmed that there were no incidents or damage reported as a result of these tremors.

These seismic activities are notable as they represent the only occurrences of earthquakes in the northeastern region of Mexico recently. This is in contrast to the northwest and southern regions of the country, where places like Baja California, Sonora, Colima, Jalisco, Michoacán, Guerrero, Oaxaca, Chiapas, Querétaro, Puebla, and Veracruz have also recorded seismic events recently.

The precise location of the Ojinaga earthquakes, as detailed by the State Coordination of Civil Protection, places them 152 kilometers southeast of Ojinaga, near the borders with the state of Coahuila, emphasizing the interconnected nature of seismic activity across regional lines.

Fortunately, the absence of damage or incidents following these quakes comes as a relief to the residents of Ojinaga and surrounding areas. The local and state authorities remain vigilant, prepared to respond to any future seismic events as part of their commitment to public safety and awareness in the face of natural phenomena.

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