TPWD Invites Public Feedback on New Mountain Lion Management Proposals in Texas

The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) has introduced groundbreaking proposals to manage the state’s mountain lion population, marking a significant step towards regulating these native big cats. As the proposals gain traction, TPWD is seeking public input before the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commissioners vote on the matter on May 23 in Austin.

The proposed regulations include banning canned hunting of mountain lions and enforcing a 36-hour trap check requirement. Canned hunting involves capturing and then releasing mountain lions for the sole purpose of being hunted, a practice that has faced widespread criticism but remains legal in Texas.

This move by TPWD also introduces mandatory checks for traps within 36 hours to prevent prolonged suffering of the animals, aligning with standard ethical trapping practices and existing regulations for other furbearers in the state.

Ben Masters, a member of the Texans for Mountain Lions coalition and a noted wildlife filmmaker, praised the proposals. “Mountain lions are a vital part of Texas culture and ecology. It’s encouraging to see such unified support across various groups for better management of these majestic animals,” Masters commented.

A 2022 survey conducted by Texas A&M University revealed broad support for these measures, with 75% of respondents favoring the proposed 36-hour trap check period. The survey included a diverse group of Texans, from livestock owners to non-hunters.

Dr. Patricia Harveson, a coalition member and wildlife researcher, expressed optimism about the proposed changes. “It’s heartening to see TPWD making thoughtful advances for mountain lions, a species that plays a crucial role in our ecosystems,” said Harveson. She emphasized the importance of the advisory group’s efforts, which brought together stakeholders from various backgrounds to discuss and shape these proposals.

Texans are encouraged to share their opinions on these proposals through the TPWD website until 5 pm on May 22. Following the public comment period, the TPW Commission will deliberate on the proposal at their meeting on May 23.

For more information on the proposals and how to submit comments, visit

Image Provided by Panthers, Photo by Ben Masters.

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